.exe file mac
.exe file mac

.exe file mac

Aside from games, many titles do offer Mac versions of their software (in the case of Audacity, there is a Mac version). Next picture shows your dialog box to save smart folder.First suggestion is - any software you're interested in, look for a OSX version of it. For example, ‘ Directory Utility‘ is one app in your Mac which is missed, right?. To keep this searching rule on your Mac, just click on ‘ Save‘ button located at window’s up-right side.Take care and ‘scan’ by yourself all found files. If you look into results you´ll see some forgotten or missed apps. When finished you’ll see all apps and executable files in your Mac.It could be a ‘Searching…” text while working maybe or number of items found by the rule. At folder’s bottom side your computer will show you searching progress with a text… look on it. Wait for your Mac, it could take some minutes. Your computer will start to search in ‘This Mac’ all files which ‘Kind’ is ‘Executable”.Rule is: Kind is Executable Searching results by rule set.Then, set this rule on your new Mac’s smart folder as following pictures… Set the rule in your smart folder You can add or remove all needed rules.Now we’re going to add a special searching rule by hitting down + button.This option will make your search on all your Mac content and not only in your desktop content. Now you must make sure you click on “ This Mac” between two options availables on searching bar.That means that we could search for all executable files in your Mac and let them into a new and dedicated folder. Now you are able to make a special search and to save its results in a new folder. You’ll get new Finder window with a special ‘search’ bar in it.Now click on Finder’s ‘ File‘ menu to get its options sub-menu and click on ‘New Smart Folder’ one… or just hit down shortcut ⌥⌘N (Command, Option, N) to create a smart folder quickly.Look on next picture… Finder app has focus Go to your Mac’s desktop and give focus to Finder App.

.exe file mac

This tutorial is made on Yosemite, but it could be done on Mavericks also. To get this goal we are going to create a smart folder with a rule which search for all executable files in your computer quickly. How to search all executable files on a Mac by smart folders

.exe file mac