Wireshark use popularity
Wireshark use popularity

wireshark use popularity wireshark use popularity wireshark use popularity

Some questions that I’ll discuss include the following: Is the API available with a REST interface? Does it use SOAP or XML-­RPC? This scheme won’t magically enable you to instantly understand all the various APIs out there.) The categories I use are as follows: (I’m presenting some heuristics for thinking about the subject rather than a watertight formula. How do you generalize from what you know about the Flickr API to other web APIs? I will use three major axes/categories for organizing my presentation of web APIs. You’ll take what you learn in Chapter 6 and this chapter and study the specific context of working within the modern web browser using JavaScript.) (I’ll cover the subject of HTTP web APIs bound to a JavaScript context in the next chapter. Studying the Flickr API in depth is obviously useful if you plan to use it in your mashups, but I argue here that it’s useful in your study of other APIs because you can draw from your understanding of the Flickr API as a point of comparison. In Chapter 6, you examined the Flickr API in great detail, so I’ll turn now to other web APIs. Table of Contents XML-RPC What’s Happening on the Wire? Using Wireshark and curl to Analyze and Formulate HTTP Messages Parsing XML-­RPC Traffic SOAP The Dream: Plug-­and-Go Functionality Through WSDL and SOAP Amazon ECS The Flickr API via SOAP Learning About Specific Web APIs YouTube GData and the Blogger API Using the Blogger API As a Uniform Interface Based on HTTP Methods Summary

Wireshark use popularity